A Typical Day in Casa
Before care is available from 7:30 until 8:10. This is available as a prepaid service or on an as needed basis, if space is available within ratios.
8:15-8:30 – arrival (remove outdoor clothing, change shoes, go to washroom and wash hands) 8:30-11:25 – work cycle 11:25-12:30 – get ready to go outside/recess 12:30-1:00 – remove outdoor clothing, change shoes, go to washroom and wash hands/lunch 1:00-3:00* – clean up after lunch/work cycle 3:00-3:30 – clean up and get ready to go home/dismissal 3:30-5:15 - aftercare programming for anyone registered. This is available as a prepaid service or on an as needed basis, if space is available within ratios. *children 3.8 and under still require a nap. Nap time is scheduled after lunch from 1:15 until 2:30 |
A child writes a sentence with the Story Alphabet. (Language)
A child is setting up the Numerals and Counters. (Mathematics)
When the children arrive into the classroom, they greet their friends, help with the set up of the class and then begin their work in any of the four main areas: Practical Life, Sensorial, Language and Mathematics. When not receiving an individual lesson from the classroom guide, the children are expected to work independently or with a friend with a piece of material that they have previously received a lesson for.
The children get ready to go outside, and then enjoy a period of time to play freely with their friends or the outdoor equipment, before lunch.
The children set the tables with real tableware and then serve themselves the catered lunch and enjoy their meal together in small groups.